In a ground breaking move, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has proposed a first-of-its-kind legislation aimed at the exploration of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), commonly known as UFOs. The legislation calls for the formation of a Review Board, whose purpose is to evaluate and recommend the release of UAP-related data and materials.
Schumer’s involvement marks the highest-ranking engagement in the UAP matter, tracing the path initiated by former Senate Leader Harry Reid. Schumer has asserted the American public’s right to access information concerning technologies of unknown origin, non-human intelligence, and inexplicable phenomena.
The projected UAP Review Board will consist of nine presidentially-nominated U.S. citizens. These individuals will be charged with the task of advising on the dissemination of UAP-related data and potentially revealing any biological evidence of non-human intelligence to the public. The Review Board will hold the same power as an independent agency, answering directly to the President.
Liberation Times sources indicate that Senator Schumer’s staff and other Senate colleagues collaborated with multiple branches of the U.S. government, including the White House and its National Security Council, to craft the legislative text.
Renowned investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell weighed in on the development. Commenting on the meticulously crafted language of the proposed legislation, he stated:
Corbell’s recent tweet applauded the reporting on this issue, stating, “This article is 100% accurate. Reporting at its best. Great work @ChrisUKSharp of @LiberationTimes. And for the record – this new UAP legislation is making a powerful move to expose the issue of illegal UAP technological holdings. We should be asking ourselves what the authors of this amendment know. You don’t aim to push this kind of language into law unless you have direct knowledge of illegal UAP holdings and facilities – backed up by folks directly and currently working on these UAP technologies and projects.”
In the proposed legislation, materials or biological evidence of unknown or non-human origin would fall under the U.S. Federal Government’s eminent domain power. Aerospace companies such as Lockheed Martin possessing such items would be obligated to surrender them to the Government.
Organizations with UAP-related materials will be given a 60-day amnesty period to disclose such materials once the law is enacted, according to the current Senate versions of the Intelligence Authorization Act and National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
Despite these significant strides towards transparency, questions remain regarding the extent of the data that can be released under the current classification system. Christopher Mellon, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, warns that the present restrictive UAP security classification guide may limit the public benefit.
In anticipation of the upcoming UAP Congressional Public Hearing on 26 July 2023, Corbell expresses optimism about the potential for direct testimonies from first-hand witnesses. Such a historic event, he asserts, will move away from opaque bureaucratic testimonies to promote transparency in UAP matters.
This groundbreaking legislation highlights the perceived inadequacies of the Pentagon and its UAP investigation arm, the AARO, in terms of providing transparency. It’s clear that high-level governmental figures are investing serious political capital into the issue of UAP, marking a pivotal moment in the exploration of these mysterious phenomena.
For more in-depth information and context surrounding this monumental legislation and its implications, visit the original article authored by Christopher Sharp on the Liberation Times here.