Renowned entrepreneur and founder of Bigelow Aerospace, Robert Bigelow, shared his intriguing journey and experiences in the field of paranormal research in a recent interview. Bigelow, who has been instrumental in the advancement of private space travel, has also been heavily involved in studies related to UFO sightings, consciousness, and other facets of the paranormal. His candid conversation provides an insight into his belief system, challenges, and aspirations.
In the early part of the discussion, Bigelow touched on his motivation for venturing into paranormal research. He expressed his interest in life beyond death, influenced significantly by personal tragedies. He formed the Bigelow Foundation, which later became the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies (BICS) to explore these questions. BICS has been instrumental in pioneering studies on human consciousness and its potential continuation post-mortem.
As the discussion moved towards UFO sightings, Bigelow openly shared his belief in the existence of extraterrestrial life, stating that our understanding of the universe is limited by our perceptions and instruments. He spoke passionately about the various sightings and encounters documented by his now-defunct National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS).
Robert Bigelow’s commitment to studying UFO sightings has been public knowledge for years, and his NIDS organization was one of the few private entities heavily involved in researching this field. He expressed hope that these studies might lead to breakthroughs in technology and human understanding of the universe.
One of the focal points of the interview was Robert Bigelow’s latest venture – the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies’ essay competition. This unique initiative is not just a contest, but rather an intellectual challenge aimed at stimulating academic discourse and research into a subject area that is frequently relegated to the sidelines of mainstream scientific inquiry: life after death.
The competition solicits for compelling, well-researched essays that discuss the best evidence for life after death. The objective isn’t merely to entertain hypothetical conjectures or to engage in metaphysical speculations, but rather to assemble convincing arguments grounded in empirical evidence, theoretical analysis, or profound, experiential accounts.
Bigelow’s motivation for organizing this competition stems from his desire to shed light on this complex and often misunderstood field. He sees it as an opportunity to incite a dialogue within the scientific and academic communities, encouraging them to consider and investigate the possibilities of consciousness beyond mortality.
By promoting this competition, Bigelow hopes to collect a wide range of perspectives and interpretations on what may lie beyond the threshold of death. It’s about exploring the possibility that consciousness, in some form, continues to exist post-mortem. This idea challenges the traditional scientific view, which typically regards consciousness as a product of the brain’s bio-electrical processes and ceases to exist upon death.
In essence, the competition provides a platform for experts, scholars, and thinkers from various disciplines to present their findings and theories on this topic. The aim is not just to gather knowledge, but to foster understanding. Ultimately, Bigelow’s goal is to help us, as a society, to gain a more comprehensive understanding of death, and perhaps change the way we perceive our own mortality.
Robert Bigelow’s work straddles the line between science and the unknown, pushing the boundaries of our understanding. His commitment to uncovering the truth, irrespective of how unconventional the means may be, is an invitation for us to broaden our perspectives. With the support of institutes like BICS and NIDS, the realm of the unknown might become a little more understood.
For those interested in delving deeper into the thoughts and experiences of Robert Bigelow, the full interview is available for viewing on YouTube, here. This enlightening conversation is hosted on the channel of New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove. For more intriguing content that challenges conventional perspectives and embraces the new paradigms of understanding, check out the channel here.